
The Promised One

The Promised One provides a fresh look at the book of Genesis, leading readers in discovering how its stories, symbols, people, and promises point to Christ. Over ten weeks of study, participants will see Christ as the agent of creation, the offspring who will crush the head of the serpent, the ark of salvation, the source of the righteousness credited to Abraham, the substitutionary sacrifice provided by God, the Savior to whom the whole world must come for life, and much more.

Each weekly lesson includes questions for personal study, a contemporary teaching chapter that emphasizes how the passage fits into the bigger story of redemptive history, a brief section on how the passage uniquely points to what is yet to come at the consummation of Christ’s kingdom, and a leader’s guide for group discussion.

Table of Contents:

Week 1: The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24)
Teaching Chapter: The Beginning in Light of the Ending
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come
Discussion Guide
Week 2: Creation (Genesis 1:1–2:3)
Personal Bible Study
Teaching Chapter: All Things New
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come
Discussion Guide
Week 3: The Fall (Genesis 2:4–3:24)
Personal Bible Study
Teaching Chapter: You Don’t Have to Hide
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come
Discussion Guide
Week 4: Noah and the Flood (Genesis 6—9)
Personal Bible Study
Teaching Chapter: What Will Have the Last Word in Your Life?
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come
Discussion Guide
Week 5: The Tower of Babel (Genesis 10:1—12:3)
Personal Bible Study
Teaching Chapter: A Name for Myself
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come
Discussion Guide
Week 6: Abraham (Genesis 12—15)
Personal Bible Study
Teaching Chapter: The Day You’ve Waited For
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come
Discussion Guide
Week 7: Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 16—24)
Personal Bible Study
Teaching Chapter: How Will I Know I Am Loved?
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come
Discussion Guide
Week 8: Jacob (Genesis 25:19—35:21)
Personal Bible Study
Teaching Chapter: “Unless You Bless Me”
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come
Discussion Guide
Week 9: Joseph (Genesis 37—50)
Personal Bible Study
Teaching Chapter: Can Anything Good Come out of This?
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come 251
Discussion Guide 254
Week 10: The Sons of Jacob
(Genesis 29—30; 34—35; 38—39; 48—49)
Personal Bible Study
Teaching Chapter: They Say You Can’t Choose Your Family
How Genesis Points to What Is Yet to Come
Discussion Guide


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